The Benefits of Creating an Indoor Herb Garden

Not everyone has the luxury of having a sprawling backyard with room to spare for a vegetable or herb garden. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the benefits of fresh herbs all year long! By creating an indoor herb garden, you can ensure that your kitchen is always stocked with flavorful and fragrant herbs, no matter what the season. Plus, indoor herb gardens are relatively easy to care for, so even if you’re not a green thumb, you can still enjoy the fruits (or in this case, herbs) of your labor. Here’s everything you need to know about creating your own indoor herb garden.

1. Find a sunny spot.

Herbs need at least six hours of sunlight per day in order to thrive, so it’s important to find a spot in your home that receives plenty of natural light. If you don’t have a sunny window sill, you can also grow lights to provide your herbs with the light they need. 

2. Choose the right container. 

When it comes to containers, pretty much anything goes—as long as it has drainage holes in the bottom. You can go for something classic like terra cotta pots or get creative with mason jars, recycled cans, or even repurposed furniture like an old dresser drawer. Just make sure whatever container you choose is big enough to accommodate your plants’ root systems. 

3. Pick your plants.

Once you’ve chosen a sunny spot and the perfect container, it’s time to pick your plants! 

Some popular herbs that do well indoors include basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and mint. Just make sure to do a little research on each plant before making your final selections; some herbs require more attention than others, and you’ll want to make sure you’re choosing plants that will fit both your space and your skill level. 

4. Get planting!

Once you have all your supplies, it’s time to get planting! Start by adding some drainage material to the bottom of your pot—we like using pebbles or small rocks—then fill it with potting soil up to about an inch from the top of the pot. Gently remove each plant from its nursery pot and loosen the roots before placing it in its new home. Once all your plants are in place, give them a good watering and set them in their sunny spot. 

5. Enjoy your herbs!

Now that your indoor herb garden is all set up, it’s time to enjoy the fruits—or rather, herbs—of your labor! Make sure to water your plants regularly and give them a little bit of fertilizer every few weeks; we like using organic compost or liquid kelp extract fertilizer. And when it comes time to harvest your crops, cut off only what you need; regular harvesting will encourage new growth and prevent your plants from getting leggy. Bon appetit!

Having an indoor herb garden is a great way to enjoy fresh herbs all year long—no matter what the season! Plus, they’re relatively easy to care for, so even if you’re not a green thumb, you can still reap the rewards of having an indoor herb garden. All you need is a sunny spot in your home (or grow lights), the right container (just make sure it has drainage holes!), some potting soil, and some patience as you wait for your plants to grow! Then sit back and enjoy all the delicious dishes made with your very own homegrown herbs. Yum!